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Collector's suits | Food

Fields of Candy Maize


The Fields of Candy Maize are fertilized with part of the shipment from the Dunes of Sugar. The locals were able to explain to you that by adding the sugar from the Dunes, have allowed them to create the sweetest candied corn throughout the lands, the rest was just a cheap knockoff using sugar that was created by boiling water and adding food colouring. This candy maze is used to make the sweetest popcorn balls, tasting like it was kettle cooked, even when you eat it straight off the cob.

IslandIsle of the Skulled Pumpkin
Work LinksBob for Apples, Carve Pumpkins,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsThicket of Masks, Dunes of Sugar, Kingdom of Sweets,
Can Build?No
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp80